It's gonna be a fun time fun time it's gonna be a family time family time can't you see.
Posted by About Me at 6:44 PM 2 Music Notes
Love Story
I know what you guys are thinking I have not up dated the blog
in FOREVER. I have gotten TONS of emails about it. I'm not joking people. But I have a great excuse. These pics will show you why.
This past Tuesday mom, me and the kids got in the car and drove
down to Florida. When we got there we had fun, we went to target
and me (Riley) and stin a.k.a. Austin went to publix. The main reason we came down here was for Beck's b-day, Thanksgiving and Erik and Sarah's wedding. Well Tuesday Daddy came down to join us. We had Thanksgiving and Becks b-day as well as Erik and Sarah's wedding. On Friday we had the rehearsal dinner. The next day was the wedding. At 4:32 exactly ( i look at my watch to check) the pastor/preacher said "I now introduce Mr. and Mrs. Erik Wickstrum. It was a very cute wedding. Piper liked the reception way better. hehe Piper loved dancing and eating cake. Over all we had a great time in Florida. I am staying here with Emma and going back with her for a couple days or maybe a week.
Posted by About Me at 12:52 AM 5 Music Notes
Hard Days Night
my family/little munch walking. BEWARE!!!! it has music!!! so turn on your speakers!!!!!
Posted by About Me at 9:15 PM 6 Music Notes
Viva La Vida

Posted by About Me at 8:36 PM 0 Music Notes
Campfire Songs With Bob and Larry
Mom has always wanted a fire pit. Well maybe like 2 months before we move me and dad made a fire pitt, then we moved. hahahaha....... no not really because we had worked hard on it. Well mom wanted a fire pit here as well. So I kinda made a fire ring. Daddy made it better then it was. Well recently when Emma, Jon and the boys came down and we had a really fun camp fire, it was a lot of fun. Then when grandpa came he made me/ helped me build a fire. It was fine after it was done. But 1 thing I took away from it is fires are good when I dont build it. hahaha. Thanks daddy for building our fires and not making me do it.
Posted by About Me at 11:30 PM 0 Music Notes
ahhh..... little much a million....
She is growing up so quick. This is just a really cute pic. of her.
Posted by About Me at 6:28 PM 0 Music Notes
I'm a Big Boy Now
OK so no pictures yet but I figured I better just tell you now. This week as you know mom has been gone. Well hats off the dad he did it. Bergen has peed and poo pooed in the potty!!! Only a couple of accidents. Hurray Berg!!!!
Posted by About Me at 1:09 AM 1 Music Notes
A Hard Days Night
This week mom is going to a conference for Look Up and while she is gone dad is determined to get Berg potty trained. So last night they went out and got underwear for him. ( not the ones in the pic silly) We dont have any pics of that yet but when he is I will put them up.
Posted by About Me at 6:25 PM 0 Music Notes
Mon.,Tues.,Wed., Thurs., Fri. thats the days of the week
Every Friday we try to go over the lodge and go on hikes around the lake. The kids love it. Piper has enjoyed being in the snuglie and picking and touching flowers and bark. She also came up with a new game over at the lodge. This is how you play it.... you get as many acorns of tiny sticks and put them down the cracks and wait for the drop. It's really cute.
Posted by About Me at 6:17 PM 1 Music Notes
On a nice and cool Saturday me and mom went to Carl Sandburgs house (as berg likes to call it cardnial sandburgs house). We had a lot of fun. We heard a man talk about Abe Lincoln and then a guy played the fiddle and 2 diffrent types of banjos. Then we walked around saw some goats and then went back to hear Abe Lincoln (not really) talk. It was kinda creepy he looks exactly like him!!!( see for yourself).
Posted by About Me at 6:09 PM 1 Music Notes
Pushin Me Away
Piper what can I say...... let's see well a lot. She is creating more of her own will and way. It was really funny, last night me and her were sitting on slacker sack and she was playing with my phone. I had just received a text from my friend Kristen. So I took my phone out of her hands and she screamed at the top of her lungs threw her self back and hit her head. I was thinking who is this kid. She is usually a perfect baby now she is I guess she is in the world would call a toddler. so sad....
Posted by About Me at 5:09 PM 2 Music Notes
We went to see emma,jon,beck and cole this past week. We had so much fun. Piper and Beckett loved playing with each other SOOOO... much. It was super cute. We would say Piper give Beck a kiss and they would kiss. It was SUPER cute.
Posted by About Me at 11:20 PM 1 Music Notes
Drawn to the Rhythm
Berg at the beach doing flips. NO fear in everything he does.
I did a wee bit of editing on him but i thought it turned out pretty cool.
Posted by About Me at 12:09 AM 4 Music Notes
Happy Birthday to Pip
When we went to Virginia Piper turned 1. It's crazy it seams just yeaterday that Mom was heading to the hospital have munch.
Let's see things Piper done she is really 1....
.... she is taking steps
.... eating pretty much anything she can get in her mouth
.... having her own will
.... throwing herself back if she does not get what she wants
.... making sounds like she is talking to us
She has grown up so much these past days. It's crazy everyday there is something new.
Posted by About Me at 11:59 PM 2 Music Notes
Day 1
First of all let me say i can't think of any osng titles for these next blogs so deal with it.
On Sunday we (mom,riley,london,mosely and bergen) got in the car and went to Hunting Island. It was pretty cool outside but we still went at first Bergen was terrified of the water, but after awhile he got in. We enjoyed it very much. Dad and Pip stayed at the house because they were not feeling good. At Hunting Island we had a great time......
finding shells
doing flips
running on the sand
eating a picknic lunch
taking pics
looking at the ocean
and many more things. Check out my facebook for more pics or you can click on this to make it bigger.
Posted by About Me at 7:42 PM 0 Music Notes
The Keigleys went to Fripp Island this past week. We had so much fun. The little guy in the pic is named Pete. If you study all the pictures as well as I would hope you do in the next year or years he will come and go so keep your eye open for him and check back soon for more beach pics or just look on my facebook pictures.
Posted by About Me at 4:59 PM 0 Music Notes
Piper is growing up so much these past few days. Let's see what is new with her
- she hates the word NO and throws a hissy fit when we tell her NO or move her
- she is not doing her army crawl anymore she is now has her tummy up it very sad
- she is begining to say hi dad, it really sounded like one time she said high five, I think that is her first word!!!
- she took her first step (mom said she doesn't believe me but she did)
- she is still making funny faces
Posted by About Me at 2:44 PM 3 Music Notes
Viva La Vida
When Papaw came to visit he brought us all shirts from when he went to texas!!! They are really cool shirts. Exspecially mine. He has pretty good taste. Piper got a little cowgirl onesie with a skirt attached!! The shirt below says" Someone who loves me very much went to Fort Worth and got me this shirt." Then Bergs shirt has spiders on it.
Posted by About Me at 2:34 PM 0 Music Notes