Piper what can I say...... let's see well a lot. She is creating more of her own will and way. It was really funny, last night me and her were sitting on slacker sack and she was playing with my phone. I had just received a text from my friend Kristen. So I took my phone out of her hands and she screamed at the top of her lungs threw her self back and hit her head. I was thinking who is this kid. She is usually a perfect baby now she is I guess she is in the world would call a toddler. so sad....
Pushin Me Away
Posted by About Me at 5:09 PM 2 Music Notes
We went to see emma,jon,beck and cole this past week. We had so much fun. Piper and Beckett loved playing with each other SOOOO... much. It was super cute. We would say Piper give Beck a kiss and they would kiss. It was SUPER cute.
Posted by About Me at 11:20 PM 1 Music Notes
Drawn to the Rhythm
Berg at the beach doing flips. NO fear in everything he does.
I did a wee bit of editing on him but i thought it turned out pretty cool.
Posted by About Me at 12:09 AM 4 Music Notes
Happy Birthday to Pip
When we went to Virginia Piper turned 1. It's crazy it seams just yeaterday that Mom was heading to the hospital have munch.
Let's see things Piper done she is really 1....
.... she is taking steps
.... eating pretty much anything she can get in her mouth
.... having her own will
.... throwing herself back if she does not get what she wants
.... making sounds like she is talking to us
She has grown up so much these past days. It's crazy everyday there is something new.
Posted by About Me at 11:59 PM 2 Music Notes